Monday, August 8, 2011

Kobe's boo-boo

Kobe took off across the road at full Sprint, in hot.pursuit of the coyote that had just slipped into the bushes.  Blinded by his determination to play with the.coyote, Kobe ignored my shouts and ran infront of the oncoming fifteen passenger van.  The van won.

The van slammed on the breaks, but hit Kobe's rear haunches, sending him tumbling. Kobe jumped to three of his feet, holding the fourth up he ran into the woods and hid.  The drivers jumped out, my neighbor.ran out, and I sprinted after Kobe.

I found him on the trail to school behind our house and scooped him up.  His wounds were. Leering, and the two guys from the van helped me look at Kobe's leg, put blankets on the seat and get Kobe in the car.  The drivers were shaking and very apologetic, and offered any help.  I washed the blood off of my self, and off to the vet.

Xrays showed no breaks. Yay! He had three deep lacerations stiched up and has a.severely bruised leg muscle.  He is one sore pup, but atleast he is on one peice.